dental implants Dallas
Are Dental Implants Permanent?

 Dental Implants Permanent? How long does a dental implant last? You may have heard the lifespan of a dental implant is 25 years or more, which is true, as long as you take proper care of them. Whether dental implants last forever is influenced by a variety of factors, such as: How well you take care…

Texas Dental Implant
What is the Failure Rate of Dental Implants?

Every surgery presents the risk of infection and other complications. With that in mind, are dental implants prone to failure, and if so, how often does it occur? Much of what has been concluded about dental implants leans towards them having fewer instances of failure rate. But it has also been shown that how well…


A National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey administered by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention found that 25 percent of patients over 60 years old have lost all of their teeth. It’s estimated that 63% of all American adults are missing more than one tooth. The traditional solution for replacing missing teeth is dental…

Texas Dental Implant

Of all the ways modern dentistry has to replace missing teeth, dental implants are by far the best. There is no tooth-replacement option that will give you a longer-lasting result. Implants also help preserve tooth-supporting bone that naturally deteriorates when a tooth is lost. Loss of bone is one of the major hidden consequences of…

Texas Dental Implant
Does Dental Implant Surgery Hurt? How About Afterwards

Considering dental implant surgery to replace missing or damaged teeth, but concerned about how bad it will hurt or the pain afterward? These are common fears. However, most dental implant patients say the procedure doesn’t hurt and the discomfort is minimal. Plus, implants are popular because they give patients a natural, lasting smile, allowing them…

family dentistry
Dental Implant Pain: How Long Does It Last After Procedure?

Pain is a part of life. Sorry to start this article off with a slap of reality, but it’s true. Many people who need dental implants are worried about the pain associated with it, wondering how long pain lasts after dental implant surgery. Most likely, there will be pain, how long it lasts and how mild or…

Texas Dental Implant
Custom Dental Implant Treatment

Choosing to replace your missing or badly damaged teeth with dental implants is a big decision, and it’s essential to select an experienced dentist who develops customized dental implant treatment plans to perform your procedure. At Brighter Smile, we understand that every single dental implant case is unique and each demands a treatment strategy that’s custom-tailored to…

Texas Dental Implant
Dental Implant

Dental implants have been used to replace missing teeth since the mid-1960s, but in recent years their use has become much more widespread. They can be used to support crowns replacing single missing teeth, bridges that restore a larger span of missing teeth, or even dentures. Implants are manufactured from titanium, a metal that is known to be compatible with…

How Do You Know If You Need Dental Implants?

You know you have problems with your teeth – you’re the one who looks at them in the mirror every day, of course. But how do you figure out the best option for fixing those problems? For some people, the best way to correct your smile and give you the ability to talk and eat…